Loss Functions

This part of the package provides a description and mathematical background of the implemented loss functions. Every loss function can be supplied to salsa subroutines either directly (see salsa()) or passed within SALSAModel. In the definitions below l(y,p) stands for the loss loss function evaluated at the true label y and a prediction p.


Defines an implementation of the Hinge Loss function, i.e. l(y,p) = \max(0,1 - yp).


Defines an implementation of the Logistic Loss function, i.e. l(y,p) = \log(1 + \exp(-yp)).


Defines an implementation of the Least Squares Loss function, i.e. l(y,p) = \frac{1}{2}(p - y)^2.


Defines an implementation of the Squared Hinge Loss function, i.e. l(y,p) = \max(0,1 - yp)^2.


Defines an implementation of the Pinball (Quantile) Loss function, i.e.

l(y,p) = \left\lbrace\begin{array}{ll}
                 1 - yp, & \rm{if} \hspace{1mm} yp \leq 1, \\
                 \tau(yp - 1), & \rm{otherwise} \\

If PINBALL loss is selected \tau parameter will be tuned by the build-in cross-validation routines.


Defines an implementation of the Modified Huber Loss function, i.e.

l(y,p) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
                 -4yp, & \rm{if} \hspace{1mm} yp < -1 \\
         \max(0,1 - yp)^2, & \rm{otherwise} \\


Defines a derivative of the loss function. One can pass any type of the loss function, e.g. HINGE or an entire algorithm, for instance RK_MEANS().

Parameters:type – type of the loss function, e.g. HINGE or an entire algorithm
Returns:Function which calculates a derivative at the current iterate w_t, subsample \mathcal{A}_t and label y_t